Miller Aead 200le Years Made - What Happened To Kim And Dana Wagnertimeline Friends2 When it went into the shed, everything on it functioned. That serial# doesnt come up. Miller used serial numbers that start with 2 letters since 1973. They are old welders now, and parts for the onan motors are still mostly available but you may have to search to find them at. I have an old aead 200 le and was offered $1500 for it, but it is in great shape and not used much. It's biggest issues are it sat unused for 10 years or so and had what appeared to be. 100 rowsview the miller serial number chart to see when your product was manufactured. Use the serial number and/or the style number to identify the year. Also performs short arc gas metal arc (gmaw) and gas. I recently got a miller aead 200 le that is probably from the 1960s. There is no serial number on it. I called miller and they sent me a manual that is close, but isn't quite.
What Happened To Kim And Dana Wagnertimeline Friends2