Highest Murder Rate In The Usforums Category

Highest Murder Rate In The Usforums Category - In 2023, detroit again ranked third highest. Louis, mo tops the list with a significantly high murder rate of 69. 4 per 100k people, followed by baltimore, md (51. 1) and new orleans, la (40. 6). These cities significantly exceed the. New york and los angeles don't make the list, with america's largest cities falling outside these 20 metro areas as of 2023. Wallethub took data from the u. s. Census bureau and local crime statistics to determine which u. s. Cities have the highest homicide rates. They tracked the number of. Had the highest homicide rate at 36 homicides per 100,000 residents. Rochester and richmond remain closely ranked; With a difference of 6. 8 homicides per 100,000 residents. The overall objective of this report was to analyze homicide rates and yearly changes across the nation. We found that american cities have considerable differences in homicide levels, with. Leading this list is new hampshire, with only 1. 1 homicides per 100,000 people, which is strikingly lower than the rates observed in states with the highest murder rates. Drawing on 2025 data from the cdc's national center for health statistics, newsweek created a map showing the states with the highest and lowest murder rates in the. Cities broke annual homicide records in 2025. Cities like chicago and cincinnati, while experiencing lower murder rates of 24. 0 and 23. 8, are not far from the grim statistics, pressing the case for a comprehensive approach to tackling this. While 2025's global murder rate was 6. 1 (per 100k people), murder rates varied widely across the globe. Central america and the caribbean were global hotspots, with countries such as. In 2025, mississippi had 15. 4 murders per 100,000 people, which still made it the state with the highest murder rate. Louis, missouri, has the highest murder rate in the united states of 60. 9 murders per 100,000 residents. Louis had 205 murders in 2025. Certain neighborhoods in st. Louis are to blame for. Like previous years, detroit had the highest homicide rate in this population category, with a homicide rate of 40. 9 per 100,000 residents. In 2023, detroit again ranked third highest. Louis, mo tops the list with a significantly high murder rate of 69. 4 per 100k people, followed by baltimore, md (51. 1) and new orleans, la (40. 6). These cities significantly exceed the. New york and los angeles don't make the list, with america's largest cities falling outside these 20 metro areas as of 2023. Wallethub took data from the u. s.

In 2023, detroit again ranked third highest. Louis, mo tops the list with a significantly high murder rate of 69. 4 per 100k people, followed by baltimore, md (51. 1) and new orleans, la (40. 6). These cities significantly exceed the. New york and los angeles don't make the list, with america's largest cities falling outside these 20 metro areas as of 2023. Wallethub took data from the u. s. Census bureau and local crime statistics to determine which u. s. Cities have the highest homicide rates. They tracked the number of. Had the highest homicide rate at 36 homicides per 100,000 residents. Rochester and richmond remain closely ranked; With a difference of 6. 8 homicides per 100,000 residents. The overall objective of this report was to analyze homicide rates and yearly changes across the nation. We found that american cities have considerable differences in homicide levels, with. Leading this list is new hampshire, with only 1. 1 homicides per 100,000 people, which is strikingly lower than the rates observed in states with the highest murder rates. Drawing on 2025 data from the cdc's national center for health statistics, newsweek created a map showing the states with the highest and lowest murder rates in the.

Highest Murder Rate In The Usforums Category