Cleveland Homicide Rate 2023weather Forecast

Cleveland Homicide Rate 2023weather Forecast - According to police statistics, as of july 8, homicides in cleveland are up 30% compared to 2025. Car thefts are up a staggering 98% from last year. A suspect wanted for capital murder in texas was arrested wednesday by a u. s. Marshals task force in conneaut, olivia mitchell reports. Quinton gaines jr. , 18 was. At the current rate, the city will fall well below the number of murders recorded in recent years. Last year, 165 people were killed, compared to 168 in 2025. There were 171 homicides in 2025. Data includes gun violence, homicides, motor vehicle accidents,. Cleveland, oh, has a property crime rate of 321. 1 per 100,000 residents, as reported in december 2023 by the cleveland police department. The department has reported that a majority of. In 2023, there were 38. 6 homicides per 100,000 residents in the city of cleveland. Cleveland residents continue to experience a higher homicide rate compared to the national. Cleveland police and city officials say some crimes are down significantly this spring. The data comes from march 19, 2023 to may 10, 2025. Homicides are down more than. By the end of june this year, the city had recorded more than 90 homicides. The pace picked up in july, as at least 20 slayings were reported. Data from the city of cleveland shows 44 homicides in the summer of 2025. Compared to 70 homicides in the summer of 2023 and 67 in 2025. Cleveland โ€” cleveland is set to end 2025 with the fewest number of homicides in five years.

According to police statistics, as of july 8, homicides in cleveland are up 30% compared to 2025. Car thefts are up a staggering 98% from last year. A suspect wanted for capital murder in texas was arrested wednesday by a u. s. Marshals task force in conneaut, olivia mitchell reports. Quinton gaines jr. , 18 was. At the current rate, the city will fall well below the number of murders recorded in recent years. Last year, 165 people were killed, compared to 168 in 2025. There were 171 homicides in 2025. Data includes gun violence, homicides, motor vehicle accidents,. Cleveland, oh, has a property crime rate of 321. 1 per 100,000 residents, as reported in december 2023 by the cleveland police department. The department has reported that a majority of. In 2023, there were 38. 6 homicides per 100,000 residents in the city of cleveland. Cleveland residents continue to experience a higher homicide rate compared to the national. Cleveland police and city officials say some crimes are down significantly this spring. The data comes from march 19, 2023 to may 10, 2025. Homicides are down more than.

Cleveland Homicide Rate 2023weather Forecast